Helen Souki ReyesPolicy Associate

    Helen Souki Reyes joined ThinkTennessee as a Policy Associate in July 2024, contributing to research and data analysis in the Supporting Working Families and State of Our State priority areas.

    Before joining the organization, Helen worked at the World Justice Project as a European Union Rule of Law Intern, where she measured people’s perspectives and experiences on different governance, justice, and Rule of Law indicators. Currently, she also collaborates as a consultant to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), researching violent and non-violent political events in Colombia.

    Helen received her master’s degree in International Affairs from American University’s School of International Service, located in Washington, D.C. There, she focused on quantitative research methods for social science and data analysis and received the Award for Excellence in Quantitative Research for applying complex estimation strategies to answer relevant policy questions regarding national crises and social identities.

    Outside of work, Helen enjoys traveling, going to museums and art exhibitions, and cooking.

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