Empowering Voters,
Supporting Working Families,
Moving Tennessee Forward

Our Priorities

icon voters - Think Tennessee

Ensuring all voices are heard by securing and modernizing Tennessee’s election systems.

icon working families - Think Tennessee

Building economic security by removing barriers that prevent Tennesseans from participating fully in the workforce or keep them trapped in cycles of debt.

Moving Tennessee forward by creating a common understanding of where we’re leading the way and where we’re falling behind.

Research // News

Coverage in “In-Home Child Care Model Gives Parents, Providers a New Option” (Nashville Banner)

Research from ThinkTennessee’s policy brief, The Early Years: Investing in Childcare Will Help Families and Our Economy, was featured in a recent article by the Nashville Banner. Read the full story here.



Think tank’s fact sheet illustrates differences in state election policies across the nation, highlights alternative policies for voter registration and casting ballots NASHVILLE – Tennessee has one of the most complicated voting rights restoration processes in the country and is one of only 11 states that requires a strict photo ID to cast a ballot, […]


ThinkTN Bill Tracker: Legislation Related to Supporting Working Families and Strengthening Democracy

The 114th General Assembly began the first of its two-year session in February (the 3rd in the House and 10th in the Senate) after a week-long special session passing hurricane relief, immigration, and school voucher legislation. Of the over 1,400 bills filed, over 200 address issues within ThinkTennessee’s policy priorities of Supporting Working Families and […]


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ThinkTennessee is dedicated to promoting pragmatic public policy solutions that drive our state forward. Through research and advocacy, we work to connect and empower leaders from across the state and both sides of the aisle to tackle our toughest challenges.

Your support helps build innovative policy ideas backed by evidence and ensures that creating more opportunities for Tennesseans remains the top priority. Together, we can move our state forward. Will you join us?